In a range of colours, these mats can be made to measure for any area.
They will also fit into a mat well or recess, and for this, select the option 'without borders'. Like any carpet, they will take a while to dry, and do not remove the dirt quite like a coir mat. They are much better suited to sitting on a surface, with the tapered rubber border ideal for preventing trips and slips.
NB. Please note these mats cannot be made to a specific mm, so we will round up or down accordingly. For example 29.7cm will be rounded to 30cm and 29.2cm will be rounded to 29cm. Mats without a border will be supplied slightly oversized for trimming on site unless otherwise requested. This is very easy to do with a straight edge and Stanley Knife, and allows for a nice snug fit!
NB. The thickness of the mat refers to the clearance you should have for a door to open over it. It refers to the tufts if they are vertical. If you measure the mat it will seem thinner than 12mm as the tufts do not stand on end.
With borders mats should eb left for 48-72hours to relax as they can shrink by up to 5% in transit. All with borders mats do have a 2% tolerance because of this.